MAY 4, 2021
Terrence O’Neal Speaks at AIA Seminar, “Working with DASNY”
Terrence O'Neal was a panelist for a recent AIA New York State seminar on how a small firm can do business with The Dormitory Authority of the State of New York (DASNY). DASNY provides construction, financing, and allied services which serve the public good of New York State. Their work benefits public and private non-profit universities and non-profit healthcare facilities, among other New York institutions. The program was an informative, interactive session to learn how small firms can do business with DASNY. The discussion included a presentation reviewing DASNY’s Professional Services contract, M/WBE participation requirements, the procurement process, and upcoming procurement opportunities. The presentation was followed by a panel discussion featuring 3 firms' experience working with DASNY. Terrence discussed Tonab's experience with DASNY's term contracts, in both pursuing projects with DASNY and working successfully upon award of a contract.